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The Trespasser by Tana French

Penulis : Sunardi on Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016 | 16.42

Hodder & Stoughton | September 2016 | 480 pgs
Source: Purchased

The Trespasser is the sixth installment of Tana French's Dublin Murder Squad series and if you are already a fan of her works you should be aware that her books have that literary edge alongside the police procedural and this is one reason why I love her books so much - they are well written, descriptive and offer much insights of the police works we rarely get to see from other crime thrillers. Yes, and that's what makes her books stand out from the others. Not only that, I also love the characterisations in all her books, even if they are secondary roles. And another good thing is, these secondary roles do become French's lead characters in her next book. 

In her previous installment (The Secret Place), readers are introduced to Detectives Antoinette Conway and Stephen Moran. They are now partners in The Trespasser; and while they are in  the Murder Squad, the cases they are assigned to are usually predictive and unchallenging, such as domestic cases. Now the new case they are assigned to seems like one of those but some instincts told them that this case is more than meets the eye. 

The twenty-ish old victim, Aislinn Murray, suffered from a fatal head injury at her house. On that fateful evening she was supposed to have a romantic dinner date but apparently something went wrong. While most speculated it was a murder committed in a fit of passion and have a suspect in mind, Conway and Moran think there is something about this case which they couldn't put their finger on. To complicate matters, Conway feels she has seen the victim before but she couldn't remember what. As the story slowly unfolds, Conway and Moran soon learn that something bigger is playing in the center of their case and what really happened will not only rock these two detectives' worlds but to the reader as well. 

Did I mention that Tana French's characterisations are amazing? I felt this latest installment was topnotch when characterisations are concerned. The mystery and the plot are there, and while they are captivating I've to confess it was the characters that made this story comes alive and yes, even believable. Tana French not only penned an intense suspense in this novel but she also offered enough doubts and betrayals, hypothetical theories to have readers' minds racing like our two detectives here, and questioning all of them along the way. The Trespasser was suspenseful but it was also intelligent and an emotional one as well. I loved this book, a lot. I think this book has surpassed In the Woods, which is my favourite French book and this said a lot.

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