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Tower of Thorns by Juliet Marillier

Penulis : Sunardi on Kamis, 12 Januari 2017 | 15.10

Penguin Publishing Group | October 2016 | 416 pgs
Source: Library

This second book of Blackthorn and Grim's series continues with more adventures and turmoil the two protagonists have to meet before fulfilling their wishes of attaining freedom. 

Blackthorn and Grim, after helping Prince Oran unravelling the mystery surrounding Lady Flidais in the first book (Dreamer's Pool), once again find themselves entwined in another mystery which requires more of their courage and intellect. When Lady Geil�is, a noblewoman from the northern border, travelled to Winterfalls to seek assistance from Prince Oran, Blackthorn and Grim knew they would be involved in helping to solve Lady Geil�is' problems; after all it revolves around a howling monster from an old tower and who knows lore better other than Blackthorn? And being Blackthorn's travelling companion and comrade since they'd long gotten out from a dark place, Grim wouldn't want to go anywhere without Blackthorn. No, they aren't lovers but what they'd gone through is far too precious to be complicated by romantic love. 

And after hearing Lady Geil�is' tale about a howling creature residing in the Tower of Thorns on her land, Blackthorn knew expelling it wouldn't be an easy feat, especially if Lady Geil�is' land is being cursed by an ancient fey and that they've only one chance to do it right - by performing a cleansing ritual on the Midsummer Eve. But that is not all, Blackthorn soon meets up with her childhood friend, who claims they could travel south together to defeat Mathuin, who is Blackthorn's long sworn enemy but is she ready to turn her back against her fey benefactor, Conmael, who has once given her a chance to live, even if she is duty bound to him and promised that she would seek no vengeance and do the good? 

Tower of Thorns is so much better than Dreamer's Pool, with twice the peril and implications between the characters to cause doubts and betrayal towards one another. I liked the two protagonists; and I found myself liking Grim more in this installment. This book has enough myth and magic to fill readers' imaginations, in particularly the tower of thorns, which reminded me a few fairy tales of towers and trapped princesses, though this is anything but. 

The story is told from Blackthorn's and Grim's first person narrative and Lady Geil�is' third person. Perhaps for this reason, I didn't feel much connection towards Lady Geil�is but due to the plot and some secrets I could easily understand why. Tower of Thorns was an engaging read; and I'm glad I've the next few book, Den of Wolves, in hand.   

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