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I See You by Clare Mackintosh

Penulis : Sunardi on Selasa, 23 Agustus 2016 | 16.58

Sphere | July 2016 | 384 pgs
Source: Purchased

Clare Mackintosh's debut novel, I Let You Go, is a stunning psychology thriller which has left quite a deep impression on me. Aside from the intensity of a thriller, it was also an emotionally charged book that is gut-wrenching as well. When I knew she has a second novel out, I pre-ordered it and devoured it the moment it reaches into my hands. And I am glad to say that I See You is another excellent thriller by Ms. Mackintosh. 

Public transportation is an important mode of commute for people who don't have a car as well as for those who wants to break away from the hassle of being stuck in a traffic jam. No matter whatever the reasons are, bottom line is they are convenient and fast (for trains or subway anyway). In this latest book by Clare Mackintosh, she takes readers on for a thrilling ride through a plot which revolves around trains and the commuters who take them daily. I bet you will never think of your train journey the same again after reading this. 

Zoe Walker is one of the commuters who takes a train to and from work. While travelling home one evening, she is shocked to see her photo in the classifieds section of London Gazette. Alongside the grainy image of her listed a website address and a phone number as well. While her family members are convinced it is someone who looks like her, Zoe isn't so sure about the classified ads when she sees a different woman's image the next day, and another the day after. Did someone keep track of their movements? 

British Transport Police officer, Kelly Swift, is still haunted by the past when her twin sister was raped. Feeling guilty that she cut short on their conversation when Lexi called to tell her she was being stalked, Kelly dismissed her paranoia until it was all too late. Even though the years have passed by and Lexi has moved on, Kelly carries that burden whenever she takes on an sexual assaulting case and on one occasion decided to take matters into her own hands and beaten up the said offender. She was suspended and that was when she landed up in British Transport Police. However, her righteous in solving serious crimes persists and when she took a call from Zoe Walker about a theft on the Circle line, and later about the adverts on London Gazette, she knew she has to be back in the investigation unit whatever it takes. 

Clare Mackintosh has written another winner in I See You which is more compelling than her previous book. The pace of the intensity and the plot were great, and not to mention the characterisation. There are some mentions of the social media platforms and their easy accessibility and imagine how anyone could easily look up your status or browse through your uploaded photos (and that including friends tagging you, too) without you knowing; the thoughts made me shudder and reminded us why it is important to check/update our security setting from time to time. The ending was superb too; just when I somewhat figured out who the mastermind would be I was thrown off guard towards the last page. So, if you have the habit of sneaking a peek at the last page, please don't. 

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